Notifications and Office Orders

S. No Title Format Size Language
1 Moef 13.12.2024 - Regarding grant of consent to the in-house glue manufacturing units installed in the plywood units, where formaldehyde and its different resinsare being used without requisite EC– clarification PDF 888.32 KB English
2 Office order 399 dtd. 25.09.2024 - regarding Reward Scheme for citizens providing information of manufacturing units producing banned plastic items in the State of Punjab PDF 1.14 MB English
3 For allowing 2% of contract demand or 100 KW (whichever is lower) for office work, in case directions are issued for disconnection of electricity. PDF 74.79 KB English
4 Compliance of order of HGT passed in appeal No. 12(THC) of 2013 & applications 17(THC)&32(THC) of 2013 in Market Welfare Association V/s Distt. Magistrate, SAS Nagar & Ors & Sandhu Singh & Ors V/s Chief Administrator & Ors. PDF 4.38 MB English
5 64 dtd 02.02.2021 - Mechanism/ Guidelines for Control of Pollution and Enforcement of Environment Norms at Individual Establishments and the Area / Cluster of Restaurants / Hotels/ Motels/ Banquets etc. PDF 3.4 MB English
6 2024/26132 dtd. 22.10.2024 - Clarification regarding processing fee for CTE/CTO issue vide office order no. 524 dated 29.10.2018 PDF 529.52 KB English
7 388 dtd. 16.9.2024- Imposition of a Special Condition with regard to in-house treatment and disposal of solid waste in the consent to establish and operate to be generated under the Water Act, 1974 and Air Act, 1981 and Authorization under HWM Rules, 2016 PDF 1.06 MB English
8 OM dtd 25295 dtd 07.10.2024-Harmonization of Classification of Indl Sectors into Red, Orange, Green and White Categories regarding Spice Grinding Units. PDF 416.57 KB English
9 24448 dtd 27.09.2024Grant of NOC to New Stone Crusher 15.07.2024 issued by Department of mines and geology, Govt. of Punjab. PDF 977.58 KB English
10 Office order regarding Reward Scheme for citizens providing information of manufacturing units producing banned plastic items in the State of Punjab PDF 1.14 MB English
