Sr. No. |
Table-D: List of industries exempted from obtaining NOC/Consent of the Punjab Pollution Control Board. |
1 |
Aggarbatti and cosmetic products manufactured by blending (Dry Process). |
2 |
Air conditioners, Room Coolers, water Coolers & heaters without, wet process. |
3 |
All types of toys & Doll making electrical without wet process. |
4 |
Aluminium utensils from aluminium circles (without any wet process) |
5 |
Aluminium, Stainless Steel, Brass Vessel marking units having only process, spinning without use of buffing, polishing and pickling, washing, Hot/Cold rolling annealing furnace and anodizing processes. |
6 |
Assembling of Door closer and Rings. |
7 |
Assembly of air coolers/conditioners repairing and servicing |
8 |
Assembly of bicycles baby carriage and other small non-motorized vehicles |
9 |
Assembly of Computer, Computer peripherals and Computer Software. |
10 |
Atta Chakki and Millet grinding. |
11 |
Audio, Video and consumer electronic equipment assembly only. |
12 |
Automobile Body building without wet process. |
13 |
Automobile Repair Workshop. (without any wet process) |
14 |
Ayurvedic and Homeopathic medicine (without boiler) |
15 |
Bailing (hydraulic press) of waste papers(without any wet process) |
16 |
Beauty Parlour. |
17 |
Bee keeping. |
18 |
Belt Fastner units without wet process. |
19 |
Bindi making units. |
20 |
Bio-gas. |
21 |
Biscuit trays etc. from rolled PVC sheet (using automatic vaccum forming machine) |
22 |
Biscuits, Pastries, Cakes, Confectionery, Bread, Bakery upto 100 kg/day. |
23 |
Black Smithy Shop. |
24 |
Blending and packaging of Tea |
25 |
Block making for printing without foundry (excluding wooden block making) |
26 |
Block making, Printing, Offset Printing. |
27 |
Book Binding. |
28 |
Brass & Bell metal utensils manufacturing from circle (without re-rolling facility) |
29 |
Brush making units with fibre/plastic wire. |
30 |
Candle manufacture. |
31 |
Carpentry & furniture units without Seasoning. |
32 |
Carpentry and wooden furniture manufacturing(excluding saw mill) with the help of electrical (motorized) machines such as electric wood planner, steel saw cutting circular blade etc. |
33 |
Carpet weaving. |
34 |
Cement products (without using Asbestos) like pipe, pillar, jafri, well ring, blocks/tiles etc. should be done under closed covered shed to control fugitive emissions) |
35 |
Ceramic colour manufacturing (not using boiler and wastewater recycling process) |
36 |
Chewing Tobacco. |
37 |
Coated electrode manufacturing |
38 |
Cotton Belts and Tapes/Cotton Nilwar etc. |
39 |
Cotton cloth Knitting. |
40 |
Cotton quilt and mattresses making. |
41 |
Cotton socks-knitting. |
42 |
Crown cork making units. |
43 |
Dairy farming (Rural Area focal points periphery of ½ K.M) |
44 |
Decoration of ceramic cups & plates by electric furnace |
45 |
Diesel Generator sets upto 15 KVA |
46 |
Diesel pump repairing & servicing |
47 |
DPC coating of copper and aluminium were without any wet process. |
48 |
Drawing, Surveying and Scientific instrument making with no wet process. |
49 |
Dry Grinding of spices. |
50 |
Electrical & electronic items assembling |
51 |
Electrical Switches, accessories making and Panel Board without wet process. |
52 |
Electrical/electronics testing and measuring instruments without wet process. |
53 |
Electronic Components without use of chemicals. |
54 |
Embroidery. |
55 |
Engineering good mfg. Units without wet process. |
56 |
Engineering Workshops, Machine Shop, Press Shop, Sheet Metal fabrications including steel furniture rolling shutters grinding, fabrication (without foundry, pickling, electroplating, galvanizing and without any discharge of water/oil). |
57 |
Fabrication units connected with animal drawn vehicles, trailers without any heat treatment, furnace use i.e. with no emissions. |
58 |
Finished leather goods, conversion of finished without wet process. |
59 |
Fish Ponds. |
60 |
Flavoured bettle nut production/grinding. |
61 |
Floor Polish, Nail Polish, Tooth Powder, Hair Oil, Shampoo and Tooth Paste with blending only. |
62 |
Fountain pen manufacturing |
63 |
Garments manufacturing without wet process. |
64 |
General Wire Industries like wire drawing, barbed wire, Chain links, making units without wet process. |
65 |
Glass ampoules & vials making from glass tubes. |
66 |
Gold/Silver smithy shops with no water or chemical use. |
67 |
Green House/Floriculture under Mechanized process under controlled temperature. |
68 |
Groundnut decorticating (dry) |
69 |
Hand Tools without casting. |
70 |
Handicraft. |
71 |
Handlooms without wet process. |
72 |
Household appliances and kitchen equipment, without wet process. |
73 |
Insulation and other coated papers (excluding paper or pulp manufacturing) manufacturing |
74 |
Jobbing and machining |
75 |
Knitting cloth/Fabrics (Small Scale) Dry process. |
76 |
Lathe and Welding sets (only electrical) without casting. |
77 |
Leather cutting and stitching (more than 10 machines and using motor) |
78 |
Leather footwear and leather products (excluding tanning and hide processing) (except cottage scale) |
79 |
Manufacture of Cement Blocks/Jallies etc. |
80 |
Manufacture of Steel trunks/boxes/drums/Shutters. |
81 |
Manufacturing of optical lenses (using electrical furnace) |
82 |
Manufacturing of shoe brush & wire brush |
83 |
Marketing/Industrial Consultancy/Advertising Agencies. |
84 |
Mechanical clock/watches etc. |
85 |
Medical & Surgical Instruments and equipments without wet process. |
86 |
Mfg. of Transformers without poly chlorinated Hydrocarbon. |
87 |
Mosaic tiles, cement pipes. Spun pipes manufacturing units. |
88 |
Motor and Pump Making without foundry and wet process. |
89 |
Mushroom cultivation under controlled conditions/temperature. |
90 |
Musical instrument with no wet process. |
91 |
Non-conventional Energy items. |
92 |
Nut cracking & roasting. |
93 |
Oil extraction by kohlus or expellors without Boiler. |
94 |
Oil mill ghani & extraction (no hydrogenation/refining) |
95 |
Optical Frames and glasses without wet process. |
96 |
Organic manure (manual mixing). |
97 |
Orthopedic equipment's without casting/wet process. |
98 |
Packing and Processing of items using Mechanized Process. |
99 |
Packing materials manufacturing from non asbestos fibre, vegetable fibre yarn |
100 |
Packing of Agricultural/Forest Produce under controlled Temperature (Mechanised Process). |
101 |
Packing of powdered milk |
102 |
Paints and varnishes (mixing and blending) (without ball mill) (without any wet process) |
103 |
Paper Pins, 'U' Clips, pen Holders, pen & paper products without wet process. |
104 |
Paper Products without wet process. |
105 |
Plastic Niwar from monofilament yarn. |
106 |
Polythene Bags from Monofilament Sheets/polythene sheets. |
107 |
Powerloom Weaving (Small Scale) Dry process. |
108 |
Preparation of Photo identify card by using video camera-laser printing. |
109 |
Puffed rice (muri) (using oil gas or electrical heating system) |
110 |
R.C.C Bricks. |
111 |
Repairing of electric motor & generator |
112 |
Seed Processing Units/hybrid Seeds- Mechanized process. |
113 |
Sericulture units. |
114 |
Small restaurants, coffee/Tea shops and Snack Bars. |
115 |
Solar Energy Panel makings. |
116 |
Spinning (Small Scale) Dry process. |
117 |
Sports Goods without leather tanning & other wet process. |
118 |
STD Booth/cable T.V Net Work/EPBAX. |
119 |
Steel furniture without spray painting |
120 |
Surgical and medical products not involving effluent/ emission generating processes |
121 |
Tailoring Shop as SSSBI. |
122 |
Tea Grading and packing. |
123 |
Telecommunication equipment without wet process. |
124 |
Typing Centre/Xeroxing. |
125 |
Tyre rethreading (only cold processing). |
126 |
Umbrellas, Raincoats, Tarpaullins without wet process. |
127 |
Weigh Bridge. |
128 |
Weighing machines with no wet process. |
129 |
Welding Electrodes. |
130 |
Wooden and corrugated Crates and Boxes. |
131 |
Zip Fasteners. |
The exemption from obtaining consent of the Board under the provisions of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and Hazardous Waste (Management & Handling & Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2008, for the above 131 category of industries, if the unit satisfies the following conditions:
- That the industry is established/being established in the demarcated Industrial Estates /Zones classified by the State Authorities viz PSIEC, Department of Industries, PUDA, CTP under draft master plan or in mixed category area or predominantly industrial areas within Municipal limit of a town/city after classification of the area by CTP/STP/DTP.
- That the investment of the industry is not more than Rs. 1 Crore on plant and machinery.
- That the investment of the industry is not more than Rs. 2 Crore on plant and machinery for hosiery units.
- That there will not be any discharge of trade effluent from the industry into stream or well or sewer or onto land and/or that industry will not discharge any air pollution including noise into the atmosphere.
- That the industry will not discharge any toxic/hazardous wastes and will not handle any toxic /hazardous chemical.
In case the industry is found to create conditions that generate any type of pollution or if there is any objection from the surrounding community and if on verification, it is found that such objection has some substance, the Board shall be free to take legal action against the industry under the provisions of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 or Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 as considered appropriate.