Municipal Solid Waste

Office Order No. 388 Dtd. 16.09.2024: Imposition of a Special Condition with regard to in-house treatment and disposal of solid waste in the consent to establish and operate to be generated under the Water Act, 1974 and Air Act, 1981 and Authorization under HWM Rules, 2016

Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016

Solid Waste Management Rules 2016 (in Gurmukhi)

Obligation on the part of the local authorities under the MSW (Management & Handling) Rules, 2000

  • Application

These rules shall apply to every municipal authority responsible for collection, segregation, storage, transportation, processing and disposal of municipal solid wastes.

Steps for Grant/Refusal of authorization under the MSW (Management & Handling) Rules, 2000

  • Responsibility of Municipal Authority
    1. Every municipal authority shall, within the territorial area of the municipality, be responsible for the implementation of the provisions of these rules, and for any infrastructure development for collection, storage, segregation, transportation, processing and disposal of municipal solid wastes.
    2. The municipal authority or an operator of a facility shall make an application in Form-I (Annexure-I), for grant of authorization for setting up waste processing and disposal facility including landfills from the State Board or the Committee in order to comply with the implementation programme laid down in Schedule I.
    3. The municipal authority shall comply with these rules as per the implementation schedule laid down in Schedule I.

 The municipal authority shall furnish its annual report in Form-II (Annexure-II). 

  • To the Secretary-incharge of the Department of Urban Development of the concerned State or as the case may be of the Union territory, in case of a metropolitan city ; or
  •  to the District Magistrate or the Deputy Commissioner concerned in case of all other towns and cities, with a copy to the State Board or the Committee on or before the 30th day of June every year.
  • Accidental Reporting

When an accident occurs at any municipal solid waste collection, segregation, storage, processing treatment and disposal facility or landfill site or during the transportation of such wastes, the municipal authority shall forthwith report the accident in Form-V (Annexure-III) (Size: 64 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English) to the Secretary in charge of the Urban Development Department in case of metropolitan cities and to the District Collector or Deputy Commissioner in all other cases.

Status of Municipal Solid Waste Management in the State of Punjab as on 31.03.2014

There are 163 Municipal Bodies in the State of Punjab, the detail of which is as under:-

Municipal Corporation: 10

Municipal Council: 95

Nagar Panchayat:  58

Total: 163

All the ULBs have selected suitable sites for dumping of their Municipal Solid Waste. There are only two ULBs where Municipal Solid Wastes management plants are operational. One is M/s Punjab Growmore Fertilizers P Ltd., Jalandhar under the jurisdiction of Municipal Corporation, Jalandhar has re-commissioned its plant for processing the MSW. And the other Solid Waste Management project falling under the revenue area of Municipal Council, Sham Churasi at village Pandori Methma is in operation since February, 2009 and is catering to Adampur Air Force Station; MC, Adampur; and MC, Alawalpur and MC, Sham Churasi successfully. This project had been developed by National Building Construction Corporation, New Delhi under New Central Sector Scheme of Solid Waste Management & Drainage in 10 selected air fields towns (Adampur Air Base).

The State of Punjab has already taken steps for treatment of MSW and has divided the State into 8 clusters for setting up of Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management Plants at Ludhiana, Pathankot, Amritsar, Jalandhar, Bathinda, Patiala, Mohali and Ferozpur. As per the State level Master Plan these eight Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) cluster projects have been developed under PPP mode for a concession period of 25 years. Each Project includes door-to-door collection of MSW from all towns/cities of the state, transportation of MSW, processing and scientific disposal in the common engineered landfill facilities to be developed in each MSW cluster. The wastes from each ULB will be disposed off to its area cluster sites through transfer points.

The land for each project site has been finalized and Punjab Pollution Control Board has issued authorization under Municipal Solid Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2000 for setting up of Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management Plants. However each cluster site is required to have Environmental Clearance under Govt. of India EIA notification 14.09.2006. The four no. cluster sites i.e. at Mohali, Bathinda, Ludhiana and Jalandhar have already been granted this Environmental Clearance, whereas the clearance of the remaining four sites is in process.

The Deptt. of Local Govt., Punjab has submitted Punjab Model MSW Plan-2014by way of an Affidavit in the Hon'ble NGT dated 20.01.2014  and on 11.03.2014. As per report, submitted by the Deptt. of Local Govt., the latest status of the Clusters are as follows:

  • Ludhiana Cluster

Present status  

  1. No. Of Urban Local Bodies attached-14
  2. Project was awarded in Nov, 2011 to M/s. A2ZInfrastructure Limited.
  3. Approx. 64 acre Municipal land at Jamalpur site is allocated and handed over for Processing & Disposal Facility to the bidder i.e. M/s A2Z Ltd.
  4. The successful bidder started the work of lifting of MSW in the cluster ULBs from August, 2012.
  5. The authorization under MSW Rules, 2000 has been obtained.
  6. The final EIA Clearance has been obtained.
  7. The RDF & Compost Plant would be constructed within a year i.e. March., 2015 and Plastics processing plant by March, 2016.
  • Jalandhar Cluster

Present status

  1. No. of Urban Local Bodies attached-27
  2. Approx. 19 acres Municipal owned land at Village Jamsher is already allocated for the Processing Plant and approx. 23 acres land at village Piplanwala is allocated for SLF which would be handed over to the Bidder i.e. M/s JITF Ltd. once the project starts.
  3. The Project has got the requisite EIA Clearances.
  4. Collection and transportation of solid waste could not be started till date. The implementation of the project is held up due to resistance from the Local Safai Unions.
  5. RDF & Compost Plant and WTE Plant shall be started soon after the negations are finalized with the Safai karamchari Unions of their demands and will be completed within max. 600 days from Start of Work for WTE plant.
  • Bathinda Cluster

Present status

  1. No. of Urban Local Bodies attached-16
  2. Project was awarded to consortium of M/s. JITF Urban Infrastructure Limited, New Delhi (JINDAL Group); and M/s Ladurner Impainti s.r.l., Italy in Nov.,2011; 
  3. 20 acres Municipal Land at Mansa Road Bathinda is handed over to the Bidder i.e. M/s JITF Ltd. Another site measuring 36.8 acres at Mandi Khurd for SLF is also under litigation since 2012 and the case is pending with Punjab and Haryana High Court.
  4. The construction of plant could not be started as an Appeal no. 70 of 2013 Mal Singh V/s State of Punjab is pending with Hon'ble NGT since March 2013.
  5. Collection and transportation of MSW is operational since Jan, 2012.
  6. The Project has got the requisite EIA Clearances from SEAC.
  7. Phase-I: RDF & Compost Plant would be constructed within one year from the date of decision of Hon'ble NGT in Appeal no. 70/13. Phase-II, WTE Plant would be constructed within one year afterwards
  • Ferozpur Cluster

Present Status

  1. No. of Urban Local Bodies attached-16
  2. Project was awarded to M/s. JITF Urban Infrastructure Limited, New Delhi (JINDAL Group); and M/s Ladurner Impainti s.r.l., Italy In Dec.,2011;
  3. Approx. 18 acres Municipal land at Village Beer Chahalhanded over to the Bidder i.e. M/s JITF Ltd.
  4. Collection & Transportation of MSW is operational since Jan., 2012.
  5. The EIA Clearance is in the process.
  6. RDF, Processing Plant & Compost Plant are yet to be constructed as EIA clearance is pending. RDF & Compost Plant would be constructed within one year after obtaining clearances
  • Amritsar Cluster

Present Status

  1. No. of Urban Local Bodies attached-8
  2. Approx. 25 acre Municipal land at Bhagtanwala, Amritsar is allocated to the project for Processing & Disposal Facility.
  3. Bidding process is already initiated. Bids have been received and financial bid is being processed finally. Within 30 days as the financial bid in case of Amritsar cluster is being processed.
  4. The EIA Clearance is at Final Stage.
  5. The Work for collection & transport of solid waste shall be started within 90 days after signing of Concession Agreement.
  6. The Work for Construction of Processing & Disposal (P&D) Facilities (Phase-II) shall be started within 180 days after signing of Contract Agreement (CA).
  • GMADA Cluster

Present Status

  1. No. of Urban Local Bodies attached-18
  2. Land identified in Village Samgauli (50 Acre approx.) and was acquired by GMADA/ MC Mohali. All clearances were obtained; however, the acquisition process for this land has been quashed by Hon'ble Supreme court, so the fresh land acquisition process would be initiated soon.
  3. The EIA Clearance for Processing and Sanitary Landfill Site at Village Samgouli is obtained from MOEF.
  4. Recently the land acquisition process by the GMADA in village Samgouli has been quashed by the Apex Court. The copy of the order is yet to be received
  5. The bidding process would be initiated soon after the clarity on land acquisition process.
  6. The Work for collection & transport of solid waste shall be started within 90 days after signing of Concession Agreement.
  7. The work for construction will be completed max. one year from  Start of Work for processing Plant.
  • Patiala Cluster

Present Status

  1. No. of Urban Local Bodies attached-25
  2. Possession of land at village Dudhar (20 Acre Approx) has been handed over by D.C. Patiala to the Municipal Corporation in compliance of the orders of the Hon'ble NGT. Now, the bidding process is being initiated.
  3. The Work for collection & transport of solid waste shall be started within 90 days after signing of Concession Agreement.
  4. The work for construction will be completed max. one year from  Start of Work for processing Plant.
  • Pathankot Cluster

Present Status

  1. No. Of Urban Local Bodies attached-13
  2. Site measuring approx. 40 acres at village Deriwal has been finalized by D.C. Pathankot in compliance of the orders of the Hon'ble NGT. This Panchayat land comes in the extended limits of MC Pathankot. The process of notification of the extension of Limits is at the final stage and is likely to be completed upto 31 June, 2014.
  3. Approx. 40 acre of land at village Deriwal is identified for MSW Project.
  4. The Project is under the development process.
  5. The Work for collection & transport of solid waste shall be started within 90 days after signing of Concession Agreement.

The work for construction will be completed max. One year from Start of Work for processing Plant

So far, the Board had initiated legal action under the Environment Protection Act, 1986 against Municipal Council, Batala, Municipal Council, Dina Nagar, MC, Dasuya, MC, Banga, MC, Balachaur, MC, Nawanshahr and NP, Mahilpur for violating the various provisions of the Municipal Solid Waste (Management & Handling), Rules, 2000.

1. ULB wise Information on solid waste management-Collection, Segregation, Processing & Disposal facilities (Form IV-SWM Rules)
2. List of authorized waste processing facilities, processing capacity, technology, product, (Waste processed, Products produced/sold, inerts disposed (Form-III- SWM Rules) & validity of authorization.
3. Compliance status of authorized processing facilities
4. Guidelines and Best Practices for SWM

Annual Report & Quantity of solid waste generated, collected, processed and disposed in State/UT

6. NGT Reports
7. Orders and Notification
8. Awareness material (Brochures, magazines, short films)

NGT Orders